wreathed Hornbill (Aceros undulatus)
Other common names in use include: Bar-throated wreathed hornbill, Wreathed hornbill, and Northern waved hornbill. Kemp (1995) summarizes the confusion in taxonomy of Aceros subruficollis (Plain-pouched wreathed hornbill) which closely resembles the sympatric, A. undulatus. From 1953 to about 1969, A. subruficollis was united with A. undulatus. This could have resulted in some misidentification of these two species in older records. Range, habitat, and status Due to similarity in appearance to Aceros subruficollis, there is some confusion about the range of these two species. In the western part of the two ranges, there is overlap in eastern India southeast through Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, and possibly Peninsular Malaysia, and Sumatra. The range ofA. undulatus continues east to Java, Bali, and Borneo. This species prefers primary evergreen forest up to 1675m. It is widespread but generally uncommon and as with the other birds in this genus, nomadism makes assessment of density difficult. Kemp (1995) suggests that the results of population studies obtained by surveying only communal day and night roosts may lead to exaggerated abundance figures. Captive propagation