The Order Coraciiformes is divided into four suborders and ten families.
Alcedines, including the families Alcedinidae (kingfishers; 92 species), Todidae (todies; 5 species), and Momotidae (motmots; 10 species)
Meropes, with the single family Meropidae (bee-eaters; 25 species)
Coracii, containing the families Coraciidae (rollers; 12 species), Brachypteraciidae (ground-rollers; 5 species), Leptosomatidae (cuckoo-rollers; 1 species), Upupidae (hoopoes; 1 species), Phoeniculidae (woodhoopoes; 8 species)
Bucerotes, with the single family Bucerotidae (hornbills; 54 species)