Coraciiformes TAG

Coraciiformes Taxon Advisory Group - Aceros cassidix Bibliography

Cunningham, M. (1991): Island Hornbill Pair Debuts. Zoo View 25(1): 20-21.
del Hoya, J., Elliot, A., & Sargatal, J. eds (2001): Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 6. Mousebirds to Hornbills. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. 589pp.
De Roy, T. (1996): Climbing to the Hornbill's Realm. Inter. Wildlife 26(3): 20-27.
Kemp, A.C. (1979): A Review of the hornbills: biology and radiation. Living Bird 17: 105-136.
Kemp, A.C. (1995): The Hornbills. Oxford University Press, UK. 302pp.
Kinnaird, M.F. (1995): North Sulawesi: A Natural History Guide. Wallacea Development Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia. 83pp.
Kinnaird, M.F. (1996): Indonesia's Hornbill Haven. Natural History. 105(1): 40-45.
Kinnaird, M.F. & O'Brien, T.G. (1993): Preliminary observation on the breeding biology of the endemic Sulawesi Red-knobbed Hornbill (Rhyticeros cassidix). Trop. Biodiv. 1(2): 107-112.
Kinnaird, M.F., O'Brien, T.G., Sinclair, J.R. (1998): The role of Sulawesi Red-knobbed Hornbill, Aceros cassidix in seed dispersal. Asian Hornbills: Ecology and Conservation. Edited by Poonswad, P., Thai Studies in Biodiversity 2: 245-252.
Kinnaird, M.F., O'Brien, T.G., & Suryada, S. (1996): Population fluctuation in Sulawesi Red-knobbed Hornbills: tracking figs in space and time. Auk 113(2): 431-440.
Line, L. (1996): Flying with Swoosh, Hornbills help Indonesian Rain Forest. The New York Times: January 16 (B9).
Long, M.E. (1999): The Shrinking World of Hornbills. National Geographic 196(1): 52-71.
Michi, H. (1993): Der Celebeshornvogel. Gefiederte Welt 117(3): 78-83.
Poonswad, P. (1993): Forest Flagships, World Birdwatch. 15(3): 14-17.
Poonswad, P., editor (1998): The Asian Hornbills: Ecology and Conservation. Thai Studies in Biodiversity 2: 1-336.
Strehlow, H. (2001): Hornbills in Zoos - A Review. International Zoo News. 48(2), pp. 78-103.
Suryadi, S., Kinnaird, M.F., O'Brien, T.G., Supriatna, J. & Somadikarta, S. (1994): Food preferences of the Sulawesi Red-knobbed Hornbill during the non-breeding season. Trop. Biodiv. 2: 377-383.
Suryadi, S., Kinnaird, M.F., & O'Brien, T.G. (1998): Home range and daily movements of the Sulawesi Red-knobbed Hornbill during the non-breeding season. In the Asian Hornbills: Ecology and Conservation. Edited by Poonswad, P., Thai Studies in Biodiversity 2: 59-170.